All kinds of things going on, Presentations and speeches as our 'stars of the future' celebrated the end of a superb season. Also there were games such as Dads v Lads etc.
Well done everyone and thanks for my framed certificate from Bob Reeves, a very important man at the RFU and thanks for the bottle. She who enjoys a swig of Prosecco has already cast her eyes on that one.
The final action of the season as it is our President's Day. The first Lady has already purchased a new hat for the occasion. We are pleased to confirm that our local rivals and friends from Woodrush will be our opposition in a flowing and exciting game of rugby and a relaxing afternoon of liquid refreshments,a bite to eat and some social intercourse will of course be the order of the day.
Friday 8th May, Club Annual Dinner
Friday 15 th May Club AGM.