Priority - Help needed with the extension to get it finished for the start of the season - where have you been?
We intend to complete the bar and changing room extensions this summer. To do so we need your help on a weekend. Please attend on a Saturday from 9am onwards to help Tony, Pricey and the team. Don't worry if you have no building skills you can help knock down walls as part of the Oompa Loompas. Then around 4pm we drift off to the bar for some real Old Yards socialising. Even if you can only help for a couple of hours turn up as many hands make light work.
Current Works - The new ladies toilets should be completed for this weekend. The old ladies toilets are being converted into the new gents. The plant room for the new boiler is being fitted out as the water tanks have arrived and work continues on the new changing rooms.
Future Club Events:
Pre-Season Training
Starts Tuesday 24th June at 7.30pm - Note the new date and time
Friday 4th July
Summer Ball held at the St. Johns Hotel it will be a great event
Saturday 16th August
Moss Goode Memorial 15 a Side Tournament at Old Yards. Ten teams have now confirmed: Old Yardleians, Old Halesonians, Ashby, Silhillians, Aston Old Eds, Bournville, Edwardians, Old Salts, Wednesbury and Harborne. Others will be confirming attendance over the next couple of weeks. This will get the season off to a great start.
Saturday 13th September
The first league fixture of the season when we play Selly Oak at home. We will have a VPs lunch on this day.
Saturday 15th November
1sts and 2nds play Bishops Castle away so there will be a bus for both teams. Please book it in your diary now and tell your loved ones you will be home late that night.
Players Meeting
The Players Meeting was held on Saturday and it gave all who attended a chance to get to know new coach Les Barwood. Many points were raised and ideas for a players charter for the new season agreed. The full details will be given to all players soon. A flavour of some of the points agreed:
- Pre-season training will start this Tuesday 24th June
- Training starts at 7.30pm - that is the time when we will be on the pitch ready to start, not the time we turn up.
- Saturday Match Dress home and away - Club Shirt, Club Tie and dark trousers - no jeans
- Selection is on Tuesdays after training, please ensure your captain knows your availability - no cry offs except emergencies after Thursday before a game
- Match day, arrive in time to be changed and out on the field for warm up one hour before kick off
- Shorts must be navy in all teams and club socks only - please clean your boots and kit for every game
- The above were agreed by the players at the meeting, it now needs to be kept to
Players Subscriptions
Players Annual Subs have remained the same as last year. That is £50 for the season or £40 if you pay before 30th September. Help Old Yards and pay your Annual Subs to the club early. Mark will up the club collecting most training sessions and Saturdays. Match Subs will be £6 per game for the new season.
Anything to say
Please email me details of any Old Yards information, trivia or jokes so I can add them to the next update.
Mark, Hon. Secretary, 22nd June 2008